Speech by Dr. Montero at the College of Dentists in Valencia

Ponencia del Dr. Montero en el colegio de odontólogos de Valencia

Speech by Dr. Montero at the College of Dentists in Valencia

Dr. Eduardo Montero, of the PerioCentrum Madrid team, participated in a session on the relationship between cavities and periodontal diseases, as part of the Biofilm and Oral Health Control Day held on September 22nd at the Valencia College of Stomatologists and Dentists.

PerioCentrum congratulates the organizers for the great reception the event had. The audience was able to update their knowledge on the prevention of periodontal and peri-implant diseases, and the recommendations to be carried out to prevent them.

PerioCentrum doctors combine their clinical activity with training and research in the field of periodontics and implant treatment.

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