Dental Implants

At PerioCentrum, our philosophy is ALWAYS to save teeth. In cases where the diagnosis by the professional states that one or more teeth must be removed, these teeth will be replaced with top-of-the-range dental implants. We only use the best brands in the market, reinforced by the best scientific support. We are experts in complex cases using the latest bone and soft tissue regeneration techniques.

Our team is involved in some of the most important research in this area. We use extra-short implants with an SLA-active surface and narrow implants with an alloy (Roxolid) that allow us to resolve in a straightforward manner situations that would otherwise require complex solutions. We make what is difficult easy, even when there is very little bone left to work with.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a reliable long-term solution to replace lost teeth. This is why the number of people who opt for this solution is increasing by the day.

Implants act as a substitute for the root of the tooth and are fitted through surgery in the jawbones and, once the osseointegration phase (4-8 weeks) has been completed the dental prostheses are made. The aim is to regain the function of the teeth and to give the patient teeth that are more attractive from an aesthetic perspective.

A particular tooth or all teeth is or are replaced in a customised manner and the new teeth can even be fitted the same day, improving the function of the mouth and the aesthetics of the smile of the patient.

Dental implants restore the original appearance of the teeth of a patient, improves their aesthetic appearance and function and restore the ability of the patient to smile and eat with confidence. In addition, the materials used in the implant systems we use have a lifetime guarantee.


  • Improved appearance and aesthetic of the teeth.
  • Healthier teeth.
  • A safe treatment.
  • Improvement in the quality of life.
  • Recovery of the mastication function.
Implantes Dentales