Unerupted cuspids in the palate tend to occur in around 1.7% of the population.
The most common cause of unerupted cuspids is genetic. Usually, people with unerupted cuspids have had ancestors who have also had the condition, which can be associated with other dental anomalies such as the absence of permanent teeth, small teeth, teeth that are not in their natural position and delays in the eruption of teeth.
At PerioCentrum, we have the radiographic technology to confirm the position of a tooth and its relationship to neighbouring teeth.
Treatment options:
Often, it is recommended that the cuspid be extracted (including the palate). Over time, a cuspid retained in the jawbone can cause damage to the roots of neighbouring teeth and, in some cases, can produce a retention cyst. In such a situation, the opinion of an expert with experience can be crucial when choosing the most appropriate course of treatment in each case.
Placement of the cuspid in its right place using orthodontic traction:
In children, adolescents and some adult patients, the best therapeutic option is to position the permanent cuspid in the dental arch using orthodontic traction. Once the study has been carried out by the orthodontist and the viability of the traction of the cuspid assessed, a specialist in managing soft tissue (a periodontist) will perform the surgical exposure. Surgical exposure, also referred to as fenestration, is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthetic. A window is created above the mucous membrane (gum) to gain access to the enamel of the cuspid and to be able to affix and attachment to it with which to pull or traction from it. In the absence of any other alterations, the insertion of a canine into their arch often requires between 12 and 24 months of treatment, regardless of the age of the patient.
In cases where it is not possible to traction from the cuspid using orthodontic means, it may be appropriate to extract and later rehabilitate it with a dental implant. Often, we put the dental implant in place on the same day as the extraction and regenerate the bone around the implant in the area where it was located, significantly reducing the time the patient is without a tooth and avoiding the need for a second procedure.