PerioCentrum Guadalajara

Dres. Rodrigo y Morante

Medical personnel

Doctor Daniel Rodrigo

Dr. Rodrigo graduated with a degree in odontology from the Universidad Europea de Madrid in 2000. He later began his training in periodontology and implants at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he completed a

three-year Masters’ program (2001-2004), obtaining the Board Certificate in Periodontology from the European Federation of Periodontology in 2004.
Dr. Rodrigo has written 21 articles in various national and international journals. He has also co-written three chapters of books relating to his area of specialisation, and has been a lecturer in more than 35 courses and conferences in Spain and overseas. In his main role, his focus is exclusively on periodontology and implant therapy at PerioCentrum Guadalajara and in Madrid, although he also dedicates some time to his role as a professor in the periodontology and implants postgraduate program at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is also involved as a researcher in the Master de Periodontology program offered by the same university and on the Internacional Team of Implantology (ITI). At present, he is the spokesman for research for the International Implantology Team of Spain and Portugal.

Doctor Sergio Morante

Dr. Sergio Morante is an odontologist from the Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM 2000). He completed his PhD in odontology in the Department of Oral Surgery and Medicine cum laude in 2003 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

He holds a Masters’ degree in periodontology and implants from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM 2006), and was awarded the Board of the European Federation of Periodontology in 2006. He is a professor in the Master of Periodontology program at UCM, and is a regular lecturer in ongoing training courses offered by the Spanish Periodontology Society. His focus is exclusively on periodontology and the surgical phase of implants at PerioCentrum Guadalajara.

Periocentrum Guadalajara

Contact Details

Address: Alvarfañez de Minaya, 2 - 19001 - Guadalajara

Telephone: 949 223 799


Our schedule

Monday - Thursday: De 9’00 a 14’00 y de 16´00 a 19´00

Friday: 9´00 a 14’00

Weekend: Closed

Tamara Campanario (Administration).

Dr. Sergio Morante (Clinical director Odontologist).

Dr. Daniel Rodrigo (Clinical director Odontologist).

Nuria Martín (Odontologist / Hygienist).

Laura García Molera (Clinical dental nurse).

Lilian Sara Pérez Wong (Hygienist).

Yolanda Romero Borreguero (Hygienist).

Noelia Castelló Armengol (Hygienist).

Procedures: Open sinus floor elevation, periodontal plastic surgery, gum grafts, guided bone regeneration, bone grafts, oral surgery, implant surgery.

For orthodontics: Corticotomies.



Dental aesthetics.

Teeth in one hour.


Implantology: The insertion of titanium implants (screws) in the jawbone to replace missing teeth.

Hygiene and prevention: Assessment of the risk of cavities, education on the prevention of dental disease.

Oral surgery: Tooth extractions, surgery on unerupted cuspids, advanced implant surgery, endodontic surgery, periodontal surgery.