Fabio Vignoletti: Rigor and innovation at the SEPA-SIdP Symposium
Fabio Vignoletti, Clinical Director of PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona, participated in the SEPA-SIdP Joint Symposium on Clinical Sessions of Mucogingival Surgery in Teeth and Implants, which was held on November 23rd and 24th at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, and featured a large representation of Spanish and Italian experts, such as Ion Zabalegui, Juan Blanco, Pini Prato, Antonio Liñares, Jose Nart, Sofia Aroca, Laurence Adriaens, Francesco Cairo and Rafael Naranjo, among others.
Dr. Vignoletti shared a session with Dr. Silvia Masero. His presentation was based on the “Treatment of multiple recessions type I and II of Miller in the anterior maxilla.”
During two days, the most current techniques in regenerative surgery were evaluated through practical workshops and clinical sessions. A meeting that our colleagues María Mínguez (PerioCentrum Ávila), Estefanía Laguna (PerioCentrum Segovia), Eduardo Montero (PerioCentrum Madrid), Iñaki Suárez (PerioCentrum San Sebastián-Dental Clinic Suárez), Erik Regidor, Antonio Meaños, Ana Azcue and Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, (all from PerioCentrum Bilbao), were all happy to attend.
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