Scientific and professional update at the last ITI Annual Meeting
The ITI Annual Meeting was held the 28th and 29th of September in Palma de Mallorca. On Friday morning, the meeting of the ITI and Study Club directors team took place, in which Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón participated.
On Friday afternoon, within the ITI Speaker Support Activity, Javier Sánchez spoke about the importance of the digital presence in the dental sector and on Saturday, doctors Juan Blanco, Ricardo Faria, Giuliano Fragola and José Rábago shared the main innovations and treatments in implant therapy.
This scientific and professional news will also be reflected in the fourth module, on systemic pathologies and periodontal disease, of the Bilbao Study Club, which will be given by Dr. Eduardo Montero on December 14 th at PerioCentrum Bilbao.
If you want more information about this workshop, click here.
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