An immersion in periodontal diagnosis
Yesterday, the second module of the Expert in Periodontics and Implantology from PerioCentrum Academy ended. This specialized course began in October and will end in July 2020.
During four days, the six students of the course (Carlos Díez, Sara González, Javier Sánchez, Beatriz Sánchez, Pilar Blanco and Anna Vives) gone more in depth in the knowledge of periodontal diagnosis with Alfonso Oteo, Eduardo Montero, María Mínguez and Javier Sanz making an exhaustive review of the literature on clinical and radiological diagnosis, the new classification of periodontal diseases and the progression of the disease.
They also carried out practices, residencies with patients and different presentations on etiopathogenesis and the role played by genetics, bacteria and tobacco in these pathologies.
Four intense days of training and specialization for students who will continue to advance in
the next module which will run from January 14 to 17, 2019.
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