We specialise in saving teeth.
In recent years, there has been a trend – to which we are openly opposed – towards the removal of natural teeth to be replaced with implants.
We believe that dental implants are never an end in themselves, but rather a means by which to replace lost teeth or teeth with an impossible prognosis.
At PerioCentrum, we wish to emphasise that our priority is always to try to save the tooth. We save teeth that other dental professionals would not be able to save, due to the fact that in view of the support provided to us by science, we know that teeth outperform implants in terms of the expectations of success.
This is why in our professional philosophy, any tooth that can be retained with an acceptable prognosis must be retained.
Do not allow anyone to remove your teeth with the excuse that you will lose bone, making it more difficult to have implants fit in the future: this is not true. Periodontal disease can be successfully treated, with such treatment borne out by more than 40 years of scientific evidence.
If a tooth can be saved, we will do what we can to save it. We are experts in saving teeth.
Before having any teeth extracted, please consult an accredited specialist in periodontology. There is a very good chance you will be pleasantly surprised.
In view of the support provided to us by science, we know that teeth outperform implants in terms of the expectations of success. If a tooth can be saved, we will do what we can to save it. This is crucial when it comes to formulating a plan for treatment.¡¡¡ IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE TEETH!!!.