Dental implants attach to the bone in a biological process called osteointegration, in which the bone firmly attaches to the implant.
- PerioCentrum
- Treatments
- Clinics
- Patients
- FAQs
- Not all implants are the same
- How much is an implant?
- Offers and cheap implants?
- Doubts about implants
- Recommendations after the fitting of an implant
- What is gingivitis?
- What is periodontitis (pyorrhea)?
- Warning signs
- The importance of the gums in aesthetics
- Other clinical situations
- Other frequently-asked questions about periodontitis
- Thinking Perio magazine
- FAQs
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- Professionals area
- Periodontics and Dental Implants Courses
- Course: Surgical periodontal treatment
- Course: Soft Tissue Management
- Course: Treatment of Periodontal Patients with Invisalign
- Course: Vertical Regeneration: Non-resorbable membranes Vs Formwork Technique (Khoury)
- Course: Alveolus Management
- Course: Accelerated Orthodontics through Corticotomies and Alveolar Reconstruction
- Clinical Residencies
- Other Training Programs
- Scientific Work
- Periodontics and Dental Implants Courses
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